Tag: conference

Einstein Toolkit and TCAN Workshops at RIT

This week I participated at two very interesting workshops at the Rochester Institute of Technology: the Einstein Toolkit and the TCAN meeting. I gave a talk on wednesday presenting some applications of my WhiskyMHD code to binary neutron star mergers (below you can find the YouTube video of my talk).

Both workshops were successful and with very interesting discussions about the future of the Einstein Toolkit and our plan for the next year of our TCAN international collaboration funded by NASA. Many young researchers joined both meetings indicating a strong potential growth for the field of numerical relativity applied at astrophysical sources.

EM Emission and Nucleosynthesis from NS-NS Mergers

Almudena Arcones, Marius Eichler, and I wrote a chapter for a book edited by the former EU COST Action “NewCompStar”. The chapter is titled “Electromagnetic Emission and Nucleosynthesis from Neutron Star Binary Mergers” and it is part of the book “The Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars” published by Springer. In this chapter you can find a review of the current state of the art in the field of electromagnetic emission and nucleosynthesis from neutron star binaries (NS-NS and NS-BH systems).

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