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La prima immagine di un buco nero: storia della foto del secolo

Oggi, su invito degli studenti e delle studentesse di UNITiN, ho presentato i risultati della collaborazione Event Horizon Telescope. Le slides del mio seminario sono adesso disponibili in formato pdf. Il video del seminario è al momento accessibile via Facebook. Più di 300 studenti sono stati presenti all’evento che è stato anche trasmesso in diretta video via Facebook. Il lavoro svolto dall’associazione UNITiN è stato eccellente come al solito e mi ha fatto piacere partecipare.

EM Emission and Nucleosynthesis from NS-NS Mergers

Almudena Arcones, Marius Eichler, and I wrote a chapter for a book edited by the former EU COST Action “NewCompStar”. The chapter is titled “Electromagnetic Emission and Nucleosynthesis from Neutron Star Binary Mergers” and it is part of the book “The Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars” published by Springer. In this chapter you can find a review of the current state of the art in the field of electromagnetic emission and nucleosynthesis from neutron star binaries (NS-NS and NS-BH systems).

High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering (Garching/Munich 2016)

SuperMUC_book_2016Our contribution to the book “High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching/Munich 2016” has been published. The book can be downloaded for free in pdf format from this link. The book collects the main results from simulations run on the supercomputers at LRZ.

You can find our contribution titled “General Relativistic Simulations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers” at page 50. These simulations were run as part of our PRACE proposal “2014112625 – GRSimStar – General Relativistic Simulations of binary neutron Star mergers “.

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